Prieto, Luiz (  )
Compositor de bandas sonoras de juegos
Es autor de un

para guitarra y voz
incluido en el disco Sunset
I can honestly say I have never worked on a soundtrack quite like SUNSET. Michael and Auriea, the fantastic collaborators who make up Tale of Tales, gave me a particularly intriguing challenge: construct a score to fit this introspective tale of an American activist / house cleaner in early 1970's South America, within a nation coming apart at its seams.

Where I ended up in addressing that challenge was to make the music part of the world itself: an entirely diagetic "score" found within the various vinyl records, reel-to-reel tapes and record broadcasts Angela can discover in the game.

I'll say no more. While I greatly appreciate anyone interested in experiencing the music here, as an album, I really do recommend playing the game and experiencing it that way. It has a few surprises.

Special mention must be made of the fantastic musical collaborators I met via the game's Kickstarter campaign, who contributed such wonderful musical ideas and without whom this album simply wouldn't be what it is.

Info Cd y Musica
Partes del Réquiem
Dies Irae
Agnus Dei
Lux Aeterna








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