ESTORNINHO Joseph A. (c.1950)REQUIEM for the INNOCENTS(2002)
Compositor nacido en Australia que trabaja en Inglaterra.
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Requiem for the innocents
Requiem for the innocents
Requiem para los Inocentes
Compuesto el 2002
Dura unos 33'
Es para 3 solistas,coro mixto y orquesta mediana.
Compuesto el 2002
Dura unos 33'
Es para 3 solistas,coro mixto y orquesta mediana.
Esta dedicado a las mujeres que han abortado
those women who have undergone an abortion or a miscarriage
CD editado por Herald HAVPCD295
Requiem for the innocents, composed in 2002, first performed and recorded in 2004, is for small orchestra, mixed choir, three soloists (soprano, mezzo, tenor).
those women who have undergone an abortion or a miscarriage
CD editado por Herald HAVPCD295
Requiem for the innocents, composed in 2002, first performed and recorded in 2004, is for small orchestra, mixed choir, three soloists (soprano, mezzo, tenor).
Partes dl Requiem :- Introit and Kyrie 06:19- Tuba mirum 03:50- Rex tremendae 00:40- Recordare 02:43- Confutatis 01:37- Domine, Jesu Christe 02:11- Hostias 02:22- Sanctus & Benedictus 04:52- Pie Jesu 03:47- Lux aeterna 04:56
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Partes dl Requiem :- Introit and Kyrie 06:19- Tuba mirum 03:50- Rex tremendae 00:40- Recordare 02:43- Confutatis 01:37- Domine, Jesu Christe 02:11- Hostias 02:22- Sanctus & Benedictus 04:52- Pie Jesu 03:47- Lux aeterna 04:56
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