Bonefont o Bonnefond, Simone de (1500 - 1557 )

Compositor Frances 


Nacido en 1500 en Auvernia, solo se conocen 4 composiciones.

Simone de Bonefont (born c. 1500). He was from the Auvergne region, far out of the French mainstream, and only four of his compositions have survived. According to the title page of his five-part Requiem, Bonnefond was canon and choirmaster in Clermont-Ferrand. His "Missa pro mortuis cum quintque vocibus" (Requiem; liturgical Missa pro defunctis, also office of death or office of soul) is from 1556.

Es autor de un


hacia 1550

sin info y de una 

Missa pro Mortius cum Quintque Vocibus 


A 5 voces


Paul van Nevel & Huelgas Ensemble - Simone de Bonefont: Missa pro mortius (2020) / AvaxHome (


Simone de Bonefont - Missa pro mortuis - YouTube

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