Bzvaneli,Guram (1934) Sinfonia de Requiem (1981)

Compositor Georgiano  


Guram Bzvaneli (b. 1934) is an interesting figure among Georgian composers. He got seriously interested in music while studying in Georgian Polytechnic Institute, and soon, in the second half of the 50s, formed historic GPI Jazz Quartet, which was the first independent musical collective in Soviet history.

In 1960 Bzvaneli applied to State Conservatoire. Soon after, circa 1964, GPI Jazz Quartet broke up, so he switched to Classical music full-time. Among other works, he has a couple of quasi-symphonic ones, that seem to fit the composer quite well, not making him confined to inevitable symphonic splendour.

Es autor de una

Sinfonia de Requiem

Compuesta en 1981

This "Symphony-Requiem", composed in 1981, is very much indicative of Bzvaneli's strong compositional qualities. Here he fuses the mournful requiem and expressive symphonic emotions with remarkable lightness and ease. This expressive contrast makes this work very refreshing and even quite original.


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